- A perceived tightness of the chest, similar to an anxiety attack
- Stomach ache and/or loss of appetite
- Partial or complete insomnia
- Short/Long term paralysis
- Nostalgia
- Apathy (loss of interest)
- Feelings of loneliness
- Feelings of hopelessness and despair
- Loss of self-respect and/or self-esteem
- Medical or psychological illness (e.g. Depression)
- Suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
- Nausea
- Denial
- Fatigue
tameiki da.... -_-
wah, tidak ketiga-tiganya tuh mas ^^
@pak hapije
hehalah, emangna saya otaku... ^^;;;
emang ya? hihi...
krn ada dr tante wiki..
"A xxxxx (censored) is a common metaphor used to describe the intense psychological pain one feels after losing a loved one, through death, divorce, or other means."
turut berduka cita hou..
tapi semangat! ayo ikuti saran kang hapije =D