Katanya "Ppuri Park in Daejeon is one such popular destination that retains the pristine beauty and virginity of the natural world as well as delivers value education to the youngsters, entertainment to relaxing groups and natural beauty to conservationists. In Ppuri Park in Daejeon , you will find many youth and children wandering around. There are sculptures related to the origins of Korean surnames, to offer an insight into the history, heritage and lineage of the country. Overall, it can be said that Ppuri Park functions mainly as a torchbearer for the kids to trace their Ppuri (ancestry) and offers facilities of educational park, family park, sports park and natural park with lush greenery and fresh air."
Copy paste dari sini: http://www.asiarooms.com/travel-guide/south-korea/daejeon/daejeon-parks-&-gardens/ppuri-park-in-daejeon.html
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